When the class started, there was only 4 people there. I think because it was a Friday night, not many people would want to train. I started everyone doing warmup jogs, then to shrimping drills. Everyone was loose so since the class was based around Guard Passing, I showed 2 Guard Pass drills that Ronaldo "Jacare" had shown me. I got a good response for showing these drills.
When it came to the technique portion of the class, I showed them one of my favorite closed guard passes. I learned this guard pass from Mike Fowler's seminar. All the key points to breaking the closed guard, then completing the pass, to submitting the opponent. I taught this in 3 steps. Breaking the guard, Passing the guard to side control, then finishing with the submission. Everyone liked it.
I feel teaching would benefit me in the long run. My fear of being a teacher is being asked a question that I can't answer or the students not being able to use the technique. I can understand from their perspective if they don't like my teaching or can't do the move. I'm just a blue belt.
On the other hand, I have been getting on the mat more often now. I weighed myself a half hour ago and i'm 172. That's not just from training either. A big change recently happened in my life and its a position i've been in a few times and this same situation happens. That issue is for another blog.