Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eduardo Telles Turtle Guard Review

This is not my review of the dvd. This review is written by "little" Tony Pacenski, a black belt on the BJJ Revolution Team. His review is very thorough and explains each disc very well. Enjoy!

Telles' DVD's are well produced by World Martial Arts and they put lots of techniques on each DVD. I really wish to speak about the content and teaching methods of Eduardo here staying away from how clear the picture was etc.

DVD 1 Turtle Guard Basics

The video starts with a quick introduce about Telles and his partner. Telles speaks in English about how he started to use the turtle position in training as a purple belt. He expresses how he use to get to his knees during training, and by brown belt started use leg locks, which improved his strategies. Telles concludes his intro by talking about how some matches and tournaments don't give him points for his turnovers and sweeps. He also talks about the nature of a turtle: lazy, using his shell and sometimes snapping or giving a bite Smiley

The basics DVD has several partner drills in the beginning that will help beginners understand the position and learn how to roll to the knees to cover up. I liked Telles' closed fist training drill where he had to close both of his hands to recover to the turtle position against his partners. I don't know... there were a few more drills like putting both hands in the belt to recover the turtle etc.

After the drills, Telles worked on basic defenses against the clock choke, single back mount hook and double back mount hooks. He showed some very cool ideas to sweep the opponent that is staying to put the hooks in or work the clock choke. Telles' teaching was interesting to watch because he really broke down how he moves into the turtle position from guard. Some really nice pointers in what to avoid there; moreover, he made it simple to understand to work with the opponent's balance on top: ways to change the balance, use your legs, back and basic grips.

DVD 2 Turtle Guard Sweeps I (Voice Over)

Telles works a lot of sweeps from the side position when his partner is near a clock choke position. He uses his legs a lot to step almost behind the opponent to gain leverage with his hips. Telles starts this tape showing the basic turn over that he will work with. From there, he continues to change the balance from the bottom position or work with what the top guy gives him. By the end of the DVD, Telles teaches a couple of grips that will help prevent the opponent from changing up the dynamic he is working on. Lots of turns left and right...a couple of redirecting moves to the mount and a few standing up sweeps. The DVD does not come off as one technique after the other like Bolo's stuff. Telles really shows you how to develop a strategy, how he uses his body to create leverage and does not leave anything unnoticed. Telles makes you believe you could have thought of the moves. I enjoyed this DVD watching how Telles moves into position.

DVD 3 Turtle Guard Sweeps II (Voice Over)

This DVD has Telles working the turtle position where the opponent has moved to his head/side position. Also, he covers sitting guard transitioning to the turtle position and techniques for when the opponent is standing up to pass. Telles works a lot of ankle traps in this one to basic turnovers covered in part 1 of the sweep game. He has many ankle traps to finish like a lower single leg tackle in wrestling and some finish like Iranian pickup. The way the material is presented from part I to part II makes a lot of sense. This DVD has lot of techniques for the man that is trying to avoid the turtle game. The middle aspect of the video has many transitional sweeps from sitting guard when the opponent is on his knees. Well worth watching!

The latter part of the video has Telles working ankle traps when the opponent is standing up to pass the guard. Every move is much different then all the stuff I have seen and use because Telles changes his positioning almost like he is giving up is back when the opponent is standing up to pass the guard. Where the classic way is to trap with your arm around the outside of the opponent's front leg and use your back hand to touch the mat to move your hips; Telles uses his back hand to reach through the middle of the opponent's legs to control the sit up guard. I used this stuff today and made really interesting sweeps, butterfly guard transitions to X-Guard etc. Good stuff!! Thumbs Up

DVD 4 Submissions (Voice Over)

Telles works a few wrist and shoulder lock submissions from the bottom position in this one to start out. The video has lots of rolls to Omplotas (sp) position to ankle & knee locks. He also works different leg crushes by rolling when the opponent has one leg between both of his legs. Also a few leglocks if the opponent only brings his knee between both legs from the back position. Telles shows solid leg locks and more sweeps into leg submissions in this DVD. His teaching style on the leg attacks will be good for people new to the positions.

DVD 5 0ctopus Guard No-GI (Telles speaks English)

This position was first introduced to the half guard Octopus position by Vitor "Shaolin" when he was visiting John Lewis' academy 2002 ish. At the time, I thought Vitor was just doing one or two sweeps and didn't think to much of it...just that I was getting killed by Shaolin. Now, Telles has a whole game plan for the position in full guard and half guard.

The full guard stuff and starting point was good; however, this DVD is all about how to work the half guard Octopus position. Telles shows how to get the positions, how to turn the guy over and how to get submissions. I really enjoyed his sequences. And today training was so much fun because using the gi from the half-guard Octopus with the turtle guard was so functional. I was in all sorts of positions using the half octopus there is so much to work with and grab. Anytime, I was losing position I moved in X-Guard or Butterfly to Half Guard.

Telles' DVD's give you many options now if you are on your knees turtled up. Along the way, he teaches what to avoid, so don't worry about getting clock choked. The knowledge level on these DVDs is Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

Add the turtle game and half octopus guard to your bottom game!

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